Custom Made Miche Bag Shells – Now Your Miche Handbag Can Be Totally Unique!

How would you like your own Miche hand bag made just for you?
Well now you can have exactly that.  Miche handbags now not only enable you to change the look of your handbag in seconds but also give you the chance to have a designer handbag where you are the designer!
For those who  are not familiar with Miche handbags and bag shells here is a quick resume of how they work. You get a basic  plain black or brown handbag to which you add outer covers, known as shells. These  Miche bag shells attach to the bag with small magnets which are not visible and keep the shell firmly in place. The shells can be removed  and  changed in seconds. You build up a collection of shells so that you can  match your handbag to any outfit. The shells come in a wide range of styles so there is something to suit everyone.
So how  do   you get a custom made Miche bag shell?
Miche handbags now have an online facility set up so that  you can design your bag shell online. Its very straightforward and basically all you need is a suitable photograph to upload.   It can be a photograph of almost anything for example :

a favorite holiday snap

a family portrait

a picture of somewhere you love to go

a photograph of a design you have made yourself

a photo of your pet

The possibilities are endless really. The only limit is your own imagination. So long as you don’t infringe any copyright laws of course!

The Origins of Don Ed Hardy Fashions

Although too young to know it at the time Don Ed Hardy would later create a world of fashion starting with drawing the greatest tattoos. The Hardy fashion actually started when Don Ed Hardy was only just three when he discovered that he had a passion for drawing. As he got older he found that tattooing allowed him to draw pictures that gave him both a challenge and an opportunity to be an independent agent while developing the potential to be expressive. Because of his relationship with Sailor Jerry he was able to go and live in Japan giving him the break he needed to study with a traditional tattoo master. He would be the first non-Asian to have this honor.
Don ED Hardy not only is one of the best renowned tattoo artists, but along with his wife, Francesca Passalacqua they formed Hardy Marks Publications for which they have written, edited and published many books on alternative art. Among their many publications are the five-book series “Tattootime”. Marks publication also published catalogs of Hardy s work including many works from the renowned Sailor Jerry Collins. He also mentors the artists who come up to his San Francisco studio.
Beyond any doubt he has a natural flair for fashion whether it is Tattoos or the clothing fashion.. His unique and very much sought after tattoo designs are apparent in the clothing, rings, fashion handbags, clothing fashion,wallets, belts and jeans. In fact he has a whole range of fashion accessories that are unique and beautifully painted giving the illusion of tattoos. His collection of women s fashion handbags has the most exquisite and amazing colors and are like looking at a grand piece of art.
In conclusion if one is looking for something unique and a little unusual then maybe an Ed Hardy fashion handbag or purse is “just the ticket.” For more info we invite you to visit us at: .

Some Tips On Shopping For Wholesale Designer Handbags

Designer handbags are a great treat but only a few of us can actually afford them because of their extremely high price. This is why generally people turn to wholesale designer made handbags so that they can enjoy the latest most chic styles and quality handbags without having to rob a bank. But purchasing designer handbags is not that simple. It can become a little tricky especially if you are not experienced enough. You need to know where to shop for these wholesale handbags and what to keep a look out for when shopping around for designer crafted handbags at wholesale outlets. With the right tips and a little guidance you can defiantly make more out of your shopping experience.
To begin your search for handbags by top designers you need to first decide which type of designer quality handbag you want. It is best to have with you a list of your most favorite handbags so that you can go for a more focused shopping experience and know exactly what you are looking for. The best way to locate wholesale dealers of handbags is to search for them online. You might have to make a few trips and travel a bit in order to get your designer made handbag at wholesale price, but the trip will be well worth your effort and time. Search for wholesale dealers that are located nearest to your residence to cut down on the travel time and expense.
Before setting out on your shopping spree you need to fix a budget for yourself otherwise you will not be able to make the right purchase within the amount you have. The wholesale deal that you will get can be anywhere from 30% to even 80% off what the actual retail price is of the designer specific handbag. You should always look for those wholesalers who purchase from small boutiques that give away their extra to these dealers. If you are unable to locate such wholesale handbag dealers yourself than you can go directly to the small boutiques and ask them who they give away their left over stuff to. You should also make sure that the wholesalers that you go to are reputable. This is to ensure that the designer quality handbag you get is authentic and not a fake replica. You can also locate several major wholesale dealers overseas because many of these British, Italian, and French designers give away their handbags to overseas designers.

Why Are Custom Handbags the Better Choice?

There is a significant difference in quality between mass produced merchandise and custom handmade fabric handbags. Fabric handbags are custom crafted to your specifications, and sewn by the designer here in America. They are beautifully designed and quite affordable.
Design your own bag! Custom handbags are just that — custom designed with your choice of fabrics. Designers offer a selection of the newest seasonal fabrics to keep you on top of the latest fashion trends. For example, the faux fur handbags at retailers might be all short pile, solid color and with a plain cotton lining, if any.
Custom handbag designers offer you a choice of quality, realistic looking faux furs with your choice of short or shag pile, and a variety of colors, such as black tipped with silver. The lining is faux fur, either the same or complementary, whichever you choose. Additionally, choose the type of handles that you want on your handcrafted purse. Popular choices include beaded wire for a funky look, black bamboo and different colors of Lucite. Have fun designing fabric handbags for all of your outfits.

Career women know the importance of following seasonal trends in clothing and accessories. An attractive appearance with the newest fashion accessories gets the attention you need from your superiors. You have to first be noticed by management in order to have a chance at promotion. Look for a handbag designer who offers you fashionable accessories at a reasonable price, and you can rest assured of sporting the current seasonal trends.
Custom handbags are better than mass produced in several ways. Since custom fabric handbags are individually sewn, there is greater attention to detail. The material is cut to the correct size and shape, seams are sewn straight and the lining is as soft and luxurious as the outside of the handbag. The designer attaches the handles in a manner that assures you of continued daily use. The quality fabric and superior construction of custom handbags are comparable in price to store bought, so choosing beautiful handcrafted purses and handbags is the intelligent choice.
Magnetic closures are a convenience every woman should have. Have you been rushing to get to work in the morning, and then had the zipper jam on your purse? Or have the button pop off? Modern handcrafted handbags have magnetic closures so you can quickly reach for the car keys.
While you need to order handcrafted seasonal handbags a few weeks before the season, some designers have fabric handbags on their website that you can buy immediately. Choose from lovely handcrafted purses, tote bags and seasonal handbags, all shipped to you immediately. Enjoy the comfort of shopping from home while you design your own bag!

Designer Replica Handbags – For Those Who Think the Originals Are Exorbitantly Priced

Every woman definitely deserves to look and feel special. It is with that in mind the makers of designer replica handbags created the look-alike industry of handbags. These things not only look exactly like the original, they feel like them too and they outlast the original by years as well. One can buy the best replica handbags at a fraction of the cost of the original leaving the retailers of the original design seething at the very sight of the best replica handbags being carried around the town.

Cheap replica bags have replaced the original designer bags by even the very elite crowd who would rather not use their designer bags for daily use. They will, however, not be seen without one so many of anyone who is anyone will choose to go in for replica designer bags instead of risking damaging their exorbitant designer bags.
The material that goes into making replica handbags are not lacking quality in any way. They are suited to be showcased alongside the real things. However, since the designer stuff is not within the economic reach of a majority of the population manufacturers have come out with cheap replica bags with subtle differences from the real design that are hard to detect. They look like the real thing, feel like the real thing and can fool even the most critical eye, but they certainly don’t take one to the cleaners when it comes to paying for one of the cheap replica designer bags on the market.

There are many places one can buy cheap designer bags. However, the best place is the Internet. There are thousands of sites on the net just catering to this niche market of replica designer bags. Opening an account with these sites is free and easy. Once the account is active one can shot to glory for the best replica handbags and other items online and add them to their shopping cart.
In most cases the shipping is free but this must be ascertained. It must also be determined if shipping is available in you area. This can be a problem when it comes to purchasing anything online. The payment is done and the shipping is delayed only with the buyer ending up with a mail saying that shipping is not available in that particular region and the refund for the purchase will take the normal forty five days to be reverted.
So, when shopping for your designer replica handbags online ensure that the site you are dealing with is genuine and not a sub-site or a broker of a retail site such as an affiliate as they can easily leave out a lot of critical details such as shipping and taxation. Ensure that you deal with the original site at all times.
Some sites are genuine and very transparent and offer guarantees on their products as well. It will pay to do a bit of research and find a reputed site and deal with them for all your designer replica handbags.

A Little Slice of Heaven in a Handbag

Do you love Louis Vuitton but are tired of carrying your monogram line bags? Let’s face it, we don’t always wear something that goes with brown and tan. Many times, we wear something daring, say something black. What do you do? Well, for the longest time, you couldn’t do anything. Then came the Louis Vuitton Black Murakami Collection.
A new level of awesomeness was born into the fashion world when this line came about. You’ll see replica bags of these beauties virtually everywhere you look. Not only will you see the want to be girls at the mall, hoping that if they turn the tag in and don’t let anyone see the clasp, they may just get people to believe that they’re carrying an authentic LV bag.
You know the difference. You carry your bag proudly on your arm, so that everyone can see. Why? Your beautiful black bag is the real thing. You can pick up your bag and flash a cool smile at the girls who are drooling over your fashion sense. You can find nearly anything that you want in the Louis Vuitton Black Murakami Collection.
Everything from women’s bikini swim suits to the standard pieces like wallets and pouchettes and the much treasured and coveted multicolor keep all 45 can be found in this collection. Good luck finding these great pieces, though. It seems that they sell out quickly and are rarely found in stock. When you find a genuine piece in stock, don’t be surprised if the price wars have begun.
People go crazy over Louis Vuitton. Unfortunately, the rich and famous always get their way. Hot young stars in Hollywood and New York toss their LV bags around like they were nothing. Feel like you’re really something and treat yourself to one of these classic pieces. Even if you can’t afford a high end bag right now, check out the bikini.
This suit will be flattering, no matter what your physique. There’s just no way to look bad in anything Louis Vuitton. When you get right down to it, you can improve your looks drastically when you carry a LV bag. All kidding aside, there is something that changes within you when you pick up your very first Louis Vuitton bag.
You somehow seem to have an extra something in the way you carry yourself, a bright twinkle in your eyes, a smile that you can’t get rid of. When others smile at you and turn their heads as you walk by, you’ll know what they’re looking at. You seem to have a glow about you, and it’s no wonder why. LV stands for the top of the fashion world.
When you carry any piece in the Louis Vuitton Black Murakami Collection, you’re sure to get noticed. You have worked hard to afford your LV bag so flaunt it with pride. You will be recognized within the same group as the Hollywood beautiful when you carry these bags. Let yourself have what you deserve, go out and buy your own LV bag today.

Add a Bit of Glamour to Your Outfit by Wearing a Watch

You don’t have to be a fashion addict to know that watches are important for defining anyone’s style. Today, men, women, teenagers and even children can wear watches in different styles; whether they are multicolored, sporty or elegant, watches have always been an important detail for any kind of look.
A watch can tell many things about a person’s social status, wealth, style, age. A middle aged businessman will choose a classic designer watch, while a young fashion addict may want to impress with a more trendy watch with a colorful nylon strap. Women can get all the attention by wearing Seiko watches with shimmering bracelet.
While leather strap or stainless steel bracelet watches can give a man a powerful, elegant image, a stone-bracelet watch can offer women the chic detail they need in order to feel both feminine and strong. No matter what are your preferences, timepiece manufacturers offer you a wide selection of quality models to choose from. Today, even the most demanding customers can find watches with features like: chronograph, water resistance and dual time, at good prices.
While sport watches are appropriate for everyday wear, gold plated bracelet watches are best for evening wear. If you go to a fancy reception, your watch will probably make your cocktail dress look even more shiny, completing the overall look in a nice way. For a gentleman who respects himself, the outer appearance is very important. A classic watch brings timeless elegance to any look, whether it’s a business casual suit or a tuxedo. Be careful! A formal vest must be worn together with tuxedo shoes, satin bow tie and a very elegant gold plated watch.
When you purchase a designer watch, make sure you buy it from an authorized dealer. In order to be sure that you buy an original watch and not a counterfeit with invalid manufacturer’s warranty, look for the “authorized” logo in the place where you shop. Today, a watch is no longer used just for practical reasons; it also makes a strong statement about the person wearing it. To be sure you look professional at work, and fashionable when you go out, choose the model that suits you best.

Michael Kors Handbags – Michael Kors Tote – Patent Tote Review

Tote bags are some of the most versatile bags out there. The Michael Kors Handbags family is not immune to that description. The Michael Kors Totes Patent Tote is out pick for the fall. The awesome thing about tote bags is all the application they can be used for. One could stash some work file folders, their Macbook or even a sweater for the cooler nights. They offer a more stylish approach to carrying your computer around then the basic laptop bags offered at those major computer stores.
The patent Michael Kors Totes are the quintessential tote bag. The bag is made of a glossy patent leather that pops against the earth tones worn this time of year. Don’t let the patent leather fool you. This bag is surprisingly durable. It is 13 and ¼ inches wide by 16 inches high and 3 and ½ inches deep. The bag features side pockets on the inside so your cell phone is easily accessible no matter what else you have inside the bag. Some other features include:

Gold tone metallic lining

One open inside pocket and one zippered inside pocket.

Brushed Brass tone hardware and grommets.

A “MK” logo charm that is removable

Double brown colored handles with adjustable buckles.

A magnetic snap closure.

As if this list of features was not impressive enough the retail price on this bag is $198.00. This bag can brighten up any fall outfit. The retail price on this bag also makes it easily obtainable for almost anyone. Be forewarned, some of the Michael Kors Totes can cost up to $3,000.

Stylish Men’s Watches at Reasonable Pricing

If you’re anything like me, you don’t want to spend an arm and a leg for a new timepiece. Guys want a watch that looks great, but still leaves a little change in their pockets, am I right? The truth is that these days most Swiss timepieces are made to last and to be accurate for many years. Quality is no longer the issue it was in the past and that leaves us with a lot more choices than ever before. Michael Kors watches are certainly crafted with integrity, not to mention a lot of style. These pieces are ones that you should check out if you want a fantastic deal on a high fashion men’s timepiece. These pieces are made with the help of some of the most interesting and top quality materials on the market. The Swiss quartz movements in these watches mean that you can count on them for reliability and accuracy and the polished outer appearance will seal the deal. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of other manufacturers out there who offer reasonable pricing, but Michael Kors timepieces are unique in that their look and presentations are special. Many of their most popular men’s models are priced at just around $200.00, which is unusual for such a high end designer. Here are a few of my top picks:
• Michael Kors Oversized Runway timepiece is a great find. It has a large 45mm case that is finished in polished silver. The dial is a lightly brushed silver with chronographic features. The polished and brushed silver adornment is carried through on the bracelet. The monochromatic appearance works well for many men and gives off a dressy attitude. The Michael Kors Runway steel watch is priced at just $225.00.
• If you desire something a bit more sporty in nature, you might just love the Michael Kors Oversized Dylan Silicone Chronograph watch in Gray. This piece is also a Swiss quartz chronograph with plenty of attention to detail. The white dial is accented with black chronographic subdials and a date aperture at the 6 o’clock setting. The case is 48mm in diameter and is water resistant to 10 ATM, but the real difference is in the strap. This watch comes with a super durable gray silicone strap with ribbed panel. This men’s timepiece sells for an unbelievable $180.00.
No matter the style you choose, Michael Kors will supply a great looking watch and an affordable price tag to match.

Buying the Right Pair of Kid’s Shoes

If you dress up the right way, you will enjoy greater benefits than just attention. These days, how a person dresses speaks volumes about them and significantly affects how they are perceived by others. The kids are not left behind in this maze, as a matter of fact, their parents and families could as well be judged by how they dress. It takes strategy, effort and being abreast with fashion to achieve a desired look that will leave others admiring. Marketers often concentrate in grown up costumes, clothes and shoes completely overlooking kids’ and this is not right because they too come and fade in fashion. If you have kids to dress, you better be learning the latest trends in kid’s fashion, know that designers are working around the clock to come up with amazing kids’ shoes. Manufacturers are doing an even better job to ensure that the clothes and shoes your kid needs are available for you to get them.
There are different types of kids’ shoes, most coming close to adults’ shoes depending on the age of the child. Although most shoes are designed to cater for differ occasions and withstand different weather conditions, you will still need different shoe designs and colors for your kid for different occasions. The objective is not only to make the child good looking but also comfortable and able to play and do whatever makes them healthy without being restrained by what they are wearing on their feet. You need to pay a lot of attention on what your child is wearing if you care about your child’s look.
You can add style to your child’s life by getting them stylish shoes you would have been proud wearing yourself. To do this and protect their feet in the process as well, it is vital to get the right pair of shoes that are made for their kind of feet. Material which the shoe is made of also matters a lot, that is where the brand of the shoe comes in. The top manufacturers of kid’s shoes including KORS Michael Kors Kids shoes, 80/20 shoes and Born shoes have done extensive research and the years in the industry help these manufacturers get the best product to the market. Since this is not only a matter of your kid’s appearance and image only but their feet health and future as well, you should not take any chances with shoes that will get in the way of their play and style.